Monday, December 18, 2006

The Christmas Season

Commercial street is all dressed up, ready for Christmas and it's quite amazing how things have changed over the years. A couple of years ago, it was really difficult to get decorations, wreaths, mangers and so on, but now, it's available everywhere. Lovely....
We were on our feet for close to 4 hours on Saturday, shopping for our family. At the end of it all, I just wanted to something to drink and rest my aching feet.
Although I got a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day, I've got some more shopping to do!!! It's going to be a very busy week!
I got a lovely Christmassy runner for our dining table and a few more embellishments for the wreath. We decided against the Christmas tree because we are still wondering where we're going to keep it, if we do buy a bigger one. For now, our miniature one will suffice. Meanwhile, Lisa is all pleased with the lights, wants it on all the time.
We also went for the Carol service in St.Marks Cathedral on Sunday evening. So, although Saturday was really hectic, Sunday was nice.

Talking about Christmas trees, here are some details of how a Canadian judge has ordered the removal of a Christmas tree from a Toronto courthouse lobby, saying it might offend non-Christians!!!! Methinks he lost sleep, pressured by the religious fanatics!

I'm not going to talk about my fonts and lost settings, because I'll go crazy if I start. Geez, I can't even create hyperlinks!