"Relationship" is a very complex word and our world revolves around this very powerful word. It could be the relationship we have with our friends, parents, partners, children or even God. If it weren't for relationships, we wouldn't exist.
This is something I've never pondered over as a child or even as a teenager who didn't have a care in the world. Being a daughter, sister, mother and a wife made me look at things with a whole new perspective simply because it's not the easiest thing.
A friend of mine mentioned about an article called "The Power of Ten" she read in a magazine. It basically talks about how you should evaluate your relationship (that could be with your parents, friends- anybody) on a ten minute, ten day, ten year basis. Look ahead and see how different your life would be in ten years without that relationship that matters to you as against ten minutes and ten days.
And come to think of it, it is a powerful thought. There are lots of people in my life and each one of them has something to do with the kind of person I am. And a few of them, matter to me so much, I would be proud of myself if I could not only sustain but nurture the relationship I have with them for the next ten years or even forever. On the other hand there are a few people I'd be happy to get rid off for 10 minutes, (for instance, the loud mouthed colleague at work) but in 10 years...?
Here's a good article I came across: "10 Minute Relationship Rituals".