Today is also another special day, Lisa was baptised exactly 2 years ago on this day in Saint Marks Cathedral. This picture was taken back then! Shes clueless isn't she?
While driving to work today, passing by the school where I studied, I saw a signboard that said "No parking till 3.30pm" and as strange as this might sound, it stirred up myriads of emotions within me. My school timings were from 8.30am to 3.30pm and I must say that I am who I am today because of what I learnt in FAPS. It doesn't sound real but its a fact. The teachers, the book seller (I saw him this morning, he's really old now) in Cambridge Book house, the ayahs, the Principal, the Headmistress, they all had some role to play. I remember walking into Cambridge Book House, (possibly when I was around 6 or 7) and asking, "I want a map, Uncle" not realising who was standing right next to me. Mrs X (I don't remember her name although she was a dear old petite teacher) looked at me and said "Don't you know when to use the word "Please" ?". I was ashamed of myself and it was almost like a slap on the face but yes, that taught me, never ever to let my guard down when it came to manners and politeness. The book seller deserved to be talked to with respect, didn't he, like any one of us? Our Headmistress, taught me how to sew and embroider when I was really little and I cannot thank her enough. Mr. Browne and Mr. Boye were my Math teachers, we were all terrified of them but I loved the subject in school and even in college and I owe it all to these wonderful teachers. Mr. Browne is now the Principal of FAPS, Bangalore and Mr.Boye the Principal of FAPS, Calcutta!
Looking back, I wonder if I would be able to expose Lisa to all that I learnt when I was growing up, probably not. I walked to school, with a bunch of my friends and I simply loved it. I was barely 7 and was occasionally scared of getting lost but that made me braver and stronger. Now, we don't have safe roads anymore, it's too dangerous to let children walk to school. The atmosphere is not fresh anymore, polluted and congested! We don't find too many Jacaranda, Gulmohur or Rain trees anymore! None of the kids play hide and seek, or fly kites, or play with marbles, or say stories to each other. And who's to blame? Are we really leaving anything behind for them?