Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Food mania!

Food and cooking has always fascinated me, sometimes, I think it's unfortunate!
Who doesn't love pork spare ribs, beef steaks, fries, kerala paratas, fried fish, samosas, pasta, the list is un ending. Sadly, a lot of the foods that are really tasty are the ones that are really unhealthy, the world however, is becoming increasingly conscious about what they eat. Fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free, caffeine free, MSG free........Having said all that, I have always felt that Indian cuisine is the healthiest! Yes, the cooking is cumbersome, and time consuming but what could be more healthier than roti, dal and sabzi? For those of you who don't understand, roti is a kind of flattened bread made of whole wheat flour, dal is lentil and sabzi is nothing but a dish made out of any kind of vegetable! However, the calorific value does look scary when the frills are incorporated to the meal. Let's say you add a piece of deep fried chicken, or panneer (cottage cheese) curry or malai (cream) muttar (peas).......
Well, I think I'm deviating a bit here because I started out intending to post about the most tasty and sinful foods of the world (not really bothering about how it affects the waistline), maybe because although it's an over indulgent thought, I must admit, it's scary.
Instead check out : "10 Foods you should never eat" and "10 Super Foods for better health".
And for those who love egg: "An egg a day is OK"!!!!!
For the icing on the cake: "KFC's new face seen from space" - how bizarre!