I have nasty cough and I'm not sure how I picked it up but I'm convinced that my tonsils have to go. A dear friend gave me some gyaan about saving my tonsils, saying that if I didn't have all my parts intact when I die, I won't be let into heaven :) Right now, I think dealing with hell will be better than dealing with my tonsils! Since both Lisa and I weren't feeling too good on Saturday we decided not to go for that birthday party we were invited to but instead decided to visit my cousin and his wife. We ended up staying over (which is not surprising) and returned only a few hours back. Watched a bit of the miserable cricket match between India and Bangaladesh, where India was uncermoniously ripped apart and this morning the men concentrated on the Australian Grand Prix. That is probably the only thing that can get them out of bed on a Sunday morning. Lunch was my treat at the Asean in an extremely crammed restaurant, but all was compensated for with the heavenly food. So on the whole, just lazed through Saturday and Sunday, which is good.
So it's spring/summer in Bangalore, there has never been a clear demarcation of seasons out here. "Winter" usually lasts for a month and during this time the weather is cooler than the rest of the year, around 18 deg C- 22 deg C. But now, the trees are in full bloom. Purple Jacaranda,, yellow tabebuia and offcourse the beautiful pink Cherry Blossom. I'm not sure if I didn't really notice these trees all these years of if this year they look exceptionally lovely. Whatever it is, it just makes us all happier. Reminds me of how back in school we waited all year for the frangipani to flower, the little bench below the gulmohur tree, all so loverrrly. Apparently 2 people called William New and John Cameron introduced the tabebuia trees to Bangalore, since it could be planted under the electric and telephone cables without interfering with them. Very thoughtful.
If only somebody with come up with some concrete ideas for decongesting Bangalore! Sometimes we forget to smell the flowers because all we can smell is the pollution, it's awful and I worry for the next gen. We are leaving behind for them absolutely nothing. Recently I read about how the Ozone layer above Bangalore is thinning at an alarming rate. It now stands at 1.8 MED against the borderline of 2 MED. Let's not go there!