Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas day!

This is what happened on our loverrrly Christmas day!
On Monday morning we worshipped at St.Marks Cathedral, loved the music, the message, everything.
Only, I was all excited about dressing up in my favorite green sari but you know with a toddler at hand things never go as planned. Ended up wearing a non-descript black shirt and a pair of striped cream trousers, which kinda gave me a very inappropriate feeling, especially after seeing the women dressed in shoulder less embroidered blouses and saris. But my hubby swore that I looked nice! Well all this is besides the point...
My mom and sister joined us for a nice simple lunch which was grilled chicken, biryani, fried fish, cabbage/capsicum salad, cucumber salad and fresh fruit and cream for dessert. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing all the food vanish from the table in a jiffy.
I'm not sure when I fell asleep on the couch but Lisa was extremely sweet and let me sleep, I'm not sure when was the last time I did that.
Lazed around, spent some time with my mom and sister, she wanted her face to be "done up" and gosh, was she a changed lady! We (MIL and I- it didnt take much to convince her that she's not going to get drunk) then had the perfect Margarita that my husband made, had dinner and crashed for the night. Lovely!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm back!

Slowly but surely I'm rebuilding my blog and I must say that beta blogger is not all that bad!Apparently it's not a beta version any more! So maybe in a way, it was a good thing that I lost all the links....now it's more organised.
Well, so what else is happening? Lisa is enjoying her Christmas holidays, I'm swamped with last minute cramming at work (which is always the case isn't it?), my sister busy with wedding shopping, and last but not the least Christmas is round the corner.
Something unrelated, I've been wanting to write down a list of funny words that Lisa uses and didn't want to miss out on noting it down, though I must admit this is not the best place to jot it down! Here goes:
Gollala- gorilla
tasas- cycle (its getting better these days)
fofa- sofa
mosico- mosquito
tose- close
tamala- tamara
Not, fair- I can't seem to remember all of it. Well I'm coming back to this list when I do remember.
Ok so here are some more:
nana- another
bitit- biscuit
pickle- eutychus (don't even ask me what the corelation is)

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Christmas Season

Commercial street is all dressed up, ready for Christmas and it's quite amazing how things have changed over the years. A couple of years ago, it was really difficult to get decorations, wreaths, mangers and so on, but now, it's available everywhere. Lovely....
We were on our feet for close to 4 hours on Saturday, shopping for our family. At the end of it all, I just wanted to something to drink and rest my aching feet.
Although I got a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day, I've got some more shopping to do!!! It's going to be a very busy week!
I got a lovely Christmassy runner for our dining table and a few more embellishments for the wreath. We decided against the Christmas tree because we are still wondering where we're going to keep it, if we do buy a bigger one. For now, our miniature one will suffice. Meanwhile, Lisa is all pleased with the lights, wants it on all the time.
We also went for the Carol service in St.Marks Cathedral on Sunday evening. So, although Saturday was really hectic, Sunday was nice.

Talking about Christmas trees, here are some details of how a Canadian judge has ordered the removal of a Christmas tree from a Toronto courthouse lobby, saying it might offend non-Christians!!!! Methinks he lost sleep, pressured by the religious fanatics!


I'm not going to talk about my fonts and lost settings, because I'll go crazy if I start. Geez, I can't even create hyperlinks!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Whats happening ???

This is really strange, I just wrote half a page of stuff, published it and there's absolutely nothing! Whats wrong with this beta version? I'm quite irked that I cannot even change the fonts!


So now, I did something to my blog and guess what??? I lost all my links on the side bar, the guest maps, the cluster maps, every single thing!!!!! Beta blog are you hearing me?????
Oh this is not a good day!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Well, once again I have managed to stick my head into loads of work! What kind of work? You might assume that its possibly work at the office, considering that this is where I am right now. Nope- I'm at the office, it's 4pm and the whole day I've just about managed to make ONE presentation on the IET conference that I went to last week. What was I doing- realised that my credit card payments are overdue by 2 days, my insurance payment is almost due, paper work, seals, attestations, mails etc etc and etc. I have no idea what I have been doing since morning!!Maybe I'll feel better if I write down what I have achieved!!!!
Coming back to the IET conference that I went to(http://conferences.theiet.org/itic/india06/programme.htm) I must say I was honored to be amidst the creme de la creme of the IT world. There were maybe around 100 delegates with speakers coming from all over the world and it was a real pleasure listening to them speak. COO of Microsoft, Founder of Infosys, Chairman of HP, Head of BT- this was an oportunity of a lifetime!!!
What else have I been doing- I'm not sure actually.......the only thing I know is that I don't really have a minute to myself, maybe blogging lets me be...

Yikes, whats happened to the fonts????