I don't know if I mentioned that we bought a jig-saw puzzle a couple of weeks ago. It is a Clementino 1000 piece puzzle of the picture of the "Baptism of Christ". I never thought we would finish it but, strangely, we are at it and it seems that in less than a week it should be done. Hurray!!
I wish I had a link to the picture, but since I don't, let me see if I can upload the picture. Most would never think of putting up a picture of the Baptism of Christ in a living room or any other room in the house but this one is a replica of an amazing painting somewhere in the Vatican. It has very subtle colours and the painting says a story, very very interesting.
Apparently, eons ago, pictures stuck to wooden boards were cut into several pieces using a jigsaw and hence name "jigsaw puzzle".
For those of you who don't really want to buy one, check out "JigZone". Warning: Very addictive!
Coming to the Baptism of Christ, I'm ashamed to say that I never knew the relevance of the dove above the head of Christ in most paintings. For more on that read "The Baptism of Christ". The painting you see on that page (which is not the one on my puzzle) was actually painted by Andrea del Verrochio who was actually Leonardo Da Vinci's teacher. Da Vinci painted the angels on the left hand side of the painting and also touched up Christ's body and apparently, Verrochio was so ashamed that his student knew so much more than him about colours that he gave up painting for good!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
What would I be?
The world has produced thousands and thousands of fascinating writers, all with unique identities and personalities. Writing has always intrigued me and I guess if I were not an engineer I would be a writer....People who know me will probably say that painting would've been my alternate career, yes I love to paint but I think I would probably enjoy writing a lot more. And why don't I do it, blame it on the one thing that definitely rules my life- TIME. Ahh, well blah- all excuses!! I never have enough time do I ? Maybe I should write a book on Time? :0
Read this: "The Rose and Thorn".
It's easier, isn't it, for celebrities to publish their own book?? Even if Victoria Beckham came up with a silly book called "Victoria's Wardrobe", it would become a bestseller! Well, maybe I shouldn't really dismiss her considering that she did well for herself in the glam biz :)
Oh I'm rambling aren't I?
A silly picture that came my way ! Hurray to NASA for getting all those sponsorships!
Read this: "The Rose and Thorn".
It's easier, isn't it, for celebrities to publish their own book?? Even if Victoria Beckham came up with a silly book called "Victoria's Wardrobe", it would become a bestseller! Well, maybe I shouldn't really dismiss her considering that she did well for herself in the glam biz :)
Oh I'm rambling aren't I?

A silly picture that came my way ! Hurray to NASA for getting all those sponsorships!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Well, we had a 4 day extended weekend and were hoping to visit Yercaud but unfortunately that didn't happen but I'm glad we stayed with the family since they probably needed us around....
So what else is happening in the world- honestly I don't know.... 4 days of ignorance and it was good. Well, I'm back to work today and it seems a little strange but it's the only thing that slows me down :)
This was a week of festivals, Diwali for the Hindus and Ramzan for the Muslims and I being Indian, the biggest advantage is that we get to witnessing how people of different religions and cultural backgrounds simply coexist. This was an interesting picture that was doing the rounds via email, a few days ago. It's funny how people in the advertising business just manage to concoct stuff out of nothing.... :)
Sometimes the simple pleasures in life are what we miss out on and I realised that more than ever yesterday. We took Lisa to the park and she loved it, not that there was anything exciting out there, just that she loved to run behind the squirrels, explore everything around her, the grass, mud, trees, breeze, flowers, people ......Children perceive things in very unique ways, nothing is mundane!
Talking about perceptions, check this out:

Mind boggling isn't it??? Now, read this : "Are We Alone?"
Thursday, October 19, 2006
5 places on Earth

Okkk, so here is a list of 5 places on earth, I surely want to visit before I kick the bucket! In no particular order:
1. Great Wall of China
2. Vienna, Austria
3. Yosemite National Park, USA
4. Great Barrier Reef, Australia
5. Pyramids, Eqypt
A couple of years ago, The Taj Mahal was on my list, I finally got to seeing it and I must say, it is just worth it. I can't say too much about Agra but the Taj by itself is an experience!
Yosemite, USA
Tanzania, Africa

Vienna, Austria

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Pyramids, Eqypt
Great Wall of China
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Giant Step

We've had bad news in the last couple of weeks- Vinod's cousin sisters husband went missing when his ship, the Giant Step ran aground off the coast of Japan. This article was printed in the local newspapers a week later:
"Missing Sailor's body found"
However, the investigation is ongoing and they are yet to confirm his identity. Another blogger, who stays in Japan, wrote: "Pacific Islander says" (scroll down to the post on 8th Oct, 2006).
We are all deeply saddened by the news and I guess everyone is going to question these inexplicable and unpredictable events that take place in our lives for a very long time to come.