Sometimes one wonders what life is all about! It goes a full circle, doesn't it? Innocent babies, rebellious teenagers, passionate lovers, wise grandparents and then back to square one- cranky, toothless baby, needing all the attention in the world.
At the end of it all I know I'm going to wonder if I gave it my best and I already know that I'm going to say "I could've done things differently". No, I didn't have to spend sleepless nights in a bitterly cold and unfriendly datacenter trying to get servers up, or spend 18 hours at work, or rant over the fact that there's always so much to do, or worry that my baby won't eat, or worry about really non-existent problems! Our lives are so transient, we are here for a short time and yet we constantly worry and dispair! Why?
But then again, isn't this what life is about, if it were that simple and uncomplicated, nobody would have anything to talk about.... we would cease to be human!!!
We are all here for a purpose, thats for sure!