Coughs, colds, flu's- to think that the world hasn't discovered a remedy for it yet!!! I had the worst ever cough which I passed on to my dear daughter. The poor thing hasn't eaten for two days and I feel so helpless. Hopefully she'll be able to regain her health in a couple of weeks.
What else happened during the weekend- mom came over with some delicious roast prawn, Matthew and Priya also came over to watch the Malaysian Grand Prix on Sunday and I got a new Hidesign bag!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
The laughing brats
I was down with some kind of bug last evening. Threw up like 10000 times and still didn't feel better. Had to stop my car half way on my way back home and threw up, while a couple of, possibly 10 year old brats stood closeby having a good laugh! How sadistic can they get? Anyways, I guess at that age nothing matters. Weekend is here! Phew!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Colleagues and partners in crime
So, I haven't posted in a while! Owe that to the endless meetings and parties we've been having at the office. On the first of March our department was formed, 2 years ago and the ladies (the men were un enthusiastic about the whole thing) decided that it was time for some fun and games. The end result- everybody got a much needed break from work. That's the picture of the entire team. 
What else happened- Lisa got her 18th month checkup and shots on Saturday and the poor girl was down with high fever and a very very sore thigh. She couldn't even walk around. It was mom's 55th birthday on the 5th of March (she shares the b'day with Jessu and David) but we just visited her and didn't do anything much since Lisa was not feeling too good.
I've started a new project of creating a family tree using Tribal Pages and hopefully with the cooperation of everybody I know, we should be able to get it up. I'm definitely going to create a family tree book, how and when I'm not sure but it will be done. It might take a long time, simply because both Vinod and I have huge families and to set it up takes time.

What else happened- Lisa got her 18th month checkup and shots on Saturday and the poor girl was down with high fever and a very very sore thigh. She couldn't even walk around. It was mom's 55th birthday on the 5th of March (she shares the b'day with Jessu and David) but we just visited her and didn't do anything much since Lisa was not feeling too good.
I've started a new project of creating a family tree using Tribal Pages and hopefully with the cooperation of everybody I know, we should be able to get it up. I'm definitely going to create a family tree book, how and when I'm not sure but it will be done. It might take a long time, simply because both Vinod and I have huge families and to set it up takes time.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Sushi platter

Check this out! . A 17 year old Indian-American writer from Harvard who won a $500,000 contract for her book! Simply amazing. I think I'm going to think of a career alternative.
Well, today is apparently ethnic day in our office and everybody is expected to be dressed in their ethnic garbs. So here I am sitting pretty dressed in a nice maroon sari. There's no way in hell I'm going to crawl under that table to fix a modem in the test bed. That would be disastrous! I should be able to post some pictures soon.
Meanwhile, here is a picture of Nami (who's Vinods cousin in New Jersey). Just look at her platter! Doesn't that look scrumptious! Why don't we get these extra indulgent helpings out here?